Rabu, 08 April 2015

Blogspot 6

Hello my friend, now I want to share my experience about disaster management. On english class we have a special guest from KOPASSUS. The guest is Captain Paulus Pandjaitan from group 3. He was explain about disaster management with our class. I was so happy and proud because my class be the one that met people like him and much casethat can be learned from him about disaster management.
            By the way, what is disaster management? In my opinion disaster management is how to manage yourself when the disaster happen to keep yourself safely. But the real meaning disater management is the organization of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergency, preparedness, recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.
There are two main types of disaster : the first is Natural disasters, disaster are caused because of natural phenomena is like flood, earthquake, landslide, tsunami, cyclone, and drought. And the second is Non-natural disasters, disaster that come from human activities. The example is pollution.

Disaster management consists of four phase :
1.      Preparedness, activities increase a community’s ability to respond when a disaster occurs or prepare all we need before disaster come.
2.      Response, action carried out immediately before, during and immediately after hazard impact, which are aimed at saving lives, reducing economic losses, and alleviating suffering or what we do during the disaster come.
3.      Recovery, action taken to return a community to normal or near-normal condition or event after the disaster.
4.      Mitigation, refers to measures that prevent an emergency, reduce the chance of an emergency happening, or reduce the damaging effects of disaster.

Last, i want to tell you about the general measures to be kept in mind during disaster from Captain Paulus. Captain Paulus said, the first thing is don’t panic and keep calm, you must to believe that all it will fine. So, you will find the ways. And then you can shout or scream for help, and you call for ambulance or that most important is first-aid-kit

Blogspot 5

How to make Avocado Juice
                Avocado juice is one of the my favorite drink. Now, my neighbor will explain to me the step how to make an Avocado juice. The Ingredients are avocado, sugar, water, chocolate milk. The material are juicer, knife, spoon ,and glass. Let see the step.
                Firstly, cut the avocado in half vertically and pull out the seed. Secondly, used a spoon to scoop out all of the inside. Thirdly, put in water, a little bit sugar, and avocado in juicer and wait a minute. After wait, pour into a glass and add the chocolate milk. Finally, the aocado juice is serve to you.

                This is a simple step to make a delicious drink. I hope this step useful for all of people who like avocado same with me. Thank you for reading my blogspot.

Blogspot 4

How to operation a printer
            When I want to make a repot for my task but, I don’t know how to operation a printer. So, Mr. Samsu will explain to me how to operation it. Let see the step.

Firstly, you have to make sure that your printer is hooked up properly before using it. If this is a brand new printer then it will go through a check and print out a test page for you. A lot of different times you can just turn it on, you will hear the ink moving around. Something might come up on the computer telling you that the printer is on and working properly.

Second, open the page you want to print. If you are on the Internet and want to print something from there. All you have to do is go up to file, then down to page set up. This will give you more printing options to choose from. When you are done setting up the page you can verify you have the right printer hooked up by clicking on "Printer" at the bottom. Once everything looks good click on "OK" and now your page should print out.

Finally, open up a ".doc" file if that is where your page is that you need to print. When you are ready to print go up to "File" and "Print Setup". Again you can choose how you want your page to look, and check and make sure the right printer is installed. If your page is set up the way you like it you can just click on the printer icon on the tool bar or go to "File" then "Print."

And Mr. Samsu gave some tips for me that using a printer a lot over time will start to wear down your ink supply. Some models of printers let you know when your ink supply is getting low. If you have an older printer you will just have to go by what the printed page looks like. If it is very worn and faded then it is time to install a new ink cartridge.

Blogspot 3

How to use Washing Machine
                When my clothes dirty I want to learn how to use a washing machine. To know the step how to use a washing machine I will interview my neighbor who always use a washing machine. Before we know the step we must prepare the material and equipment. The material is water and detergent and for the equipment is a washing machine. Let see the step.
                 Firstly, Set the water temperature. If you are washing cotton or very dirty clothes, you might want to use hot or warm water. If you are washing things like silk, then you should keep the water temperature lukewarm to cool.and In this part of the step you can insert the clothes want to you wash
            Second, Set the time. A lot of washing machines do this automatically, but you may have to do it by hand. You should set the time for about an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how dirty the clothes you are washing are.Pour the detergent. This is important,  she say if you do this step wrong, you could ruin your clothes. You need to know if your washing machine uses high efficiency detergent, which is liquid, or normal detergent, which is a powder. Use the right kind of detergent and pour it into the right spot. This is usually either right on top of the clothes, or in a small hole on the top of your washing machines. The amount of detergent needed varies by brand of detergent and type of washer, so check the back of the detergent box and also look for any labels on your washing machine.

Finally, Turn on your washer.  now all you have to do is hit that on button and you're ready to go, a tips of her when the washing machine you can do other activities until the machine stopped because time is running out

Blogspot 2

How to Install LPG
                I want to share my experience to install LPG with my father because many homes burned caused LPG explosion. My Father will guide me to install LPG corretly and safely. Let’s see the the step.
                First prepare the tools that will be used for this activity. Next remove the plastic stamp on the top and then check the safety rubber ring in the new gas cyilinder. After that replace regulator slightly pressing downwards and turn the regulator knob clockwise to bottom, make sure thereis no hissing sound if your hear a sound from there put off the regulator by turning the knob counter clockwise. Then, make sure not kinked or crushed and away from sources of fireor electrical installations. Last step, put the tube lower than the stove and an easy position to removed  if an urgent situation.

                That’s it my experience to install LPG with my father. I hope with this activity can be minimize accident on the kitchen. Thank you for reading.

Blogspot 1

How to make Special Fried Rice
                On the weekend, I just waste my time in home. And my Mom always cook special menu for me, my father, and my sister. On this Saturday my Mom want to cook special fried rice and fried rice is one of the favorite food on the weekend and I ask to my Mom the way to make a special fried rice. My Mom say “Ok Mas, I will show you the step to make this menu”.
                And the ingredients is flavor (chili, garlic, onion, salt), 500  grams white rice, 2 eggs, 3 meatballs, cucumber, chunks of chicken meat, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil. For the equipments is we need to use knife, plate, spatula, cutting board, and wok. Okay let’see the first step.
Firtsly, prepare all material and equipment and then fried the flavor to wok. Next stir fried an egg with the flavor. After that put 500 grams white rice and keep stir and add ketchup to rice and stir, put slice of meatballs and chicken and stir all of it for a minute. Next step is fried another egg on another wok. When everything cooked prepare a plate and then serve a fried rice on a plate. After that put the fried egg on the rice and garnish the plate. Finnaly the menu are ready.
You can learn this menu on your home because this is not the difficult to make. And if you want to eat this menu, eat when this menu is warm. Okay thank you for reading my Mom recipe I hope this menu useful.